Monday 2 December 2013

The monaco and the soup

The monaco and the soup
Carefully read this story and you will understand what is important to appreciate what you have.
In a group of monks who lived in caves in the desert, one day a young monaco went to consult an elder: "Father", she said, "you know it's a little over a year that I live in the desert, and in this time already six or seven times the locusts came. Torment You know what they are, because you shove everywhere, even inside the our food. How do you do it? ".
Elder, who lived in the desert for forty years, she says: "The first few times when I fell in a single grasshopper soup, threw it all away. Then, I removed the locusts and ate the soup. Later on I ate everything, grasshoppers and soup. Now, if some grasshopper tries to get out of the soup, there the get back inside".
By the time you get used to everything and makes peace with what was objectionable in principle. Someone also begins to appreciate their flaws.


  1. E' quello che fanno oggi tutti i cittadini italiani,abituati a tutto, sopportano tutto, solo nel deserto può continuare così, ma in un assembramento come una città, quando manca la libertà di scelta, saranno dolori per riconquistarla.

  2. Ha riletto davver bene la situazione italiana Marco e spero che la situazione cambi e non ci si sieda, ma si lotti per mantenere la liberta' e vivere in serenita'


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