Sunday 24 November 2013

I support the World

Bird support the World
Sometimes it is believed to be the only ones, that without us, nobody can do anything, we are all useful, but none are essential.
We always use a lot of humility and do things with my heart this is the attitude that we all worthwhile.
Listen to this story.
A little bird lying on its back, stretched toward the sky, rigid, both paws.
Another bird flew beside him and asked in surprise: "What are you doing?
Why are you lying so paws up? Did something happen? "
Without moving, the first bird replied, "with my legs I support the sky, if I move and pick up the legs, the sky falls down."
At that moment, from a nearby tree broke off a leaf that fell to the ground, fast and silent.
The bird was frightened a lot. He stood up and took off, fast.
The sky, of course, remained at his post.


  1. Bellissimo post,complimenti per questa bellissima riflessione!!!

    1. Grazie di cuore, sei sempre gentile


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